NSPA on-site media critiques

$30 per critique


Critiques are one of the most helpful — and most popular — features of the convention. Staff members and advisers sit down with an experienced adviser or professional journalist and review their student media. 

Critique sessions are 25 minutes and provide a one-on-one opportunity for students and advisers to ask questions. Each critique session is $30. Sessions are available for the following student media:

Literary Magazine

When registering for the convention, advisers may purchase and select from the available sessions. Only the times listed are available. Special requests for times can not be accommodated.

Separate from the registration process, the adviser selects the students who will be attending the critique session, keeping in mind there are seven chairs at the table and others may have to stand. 

The deadline for purchasing and reserving on-site media critiques is Oct. 28. The final schedule will be posted on the convention website on Nov. 4.

All questions about the NSPA on-site media critiques should be directed to Gary Lundgren, gary@studentpress.org.